Sunday, February 03, 2008


I totally got a crush on James McAvoy. He's just amazing. Sparling passionate.
Have I seen him before? He looks familiar. But before this i did not see any movie of him, maybe Narnia? I do not have any clue who he might be in it though.
Another possibility is that maybe because he's kind of like Tobey Maguire, another cute guy appeals to me.
I should see The Last King of Scotland (2006) and Becoming Jane (2007) starring him. :)

Keira Knightly performed quite good here too. I do not like her. But I approve her as an actress from this movie.
I love Saoirse Ronan, as Briony Tallis, aged 13. She played the character so well that scared me. I love her and hate her at the same time for her being so pretty, so deep, and so innocently evil.

Atonement - E4 Interview Part 1
Atonement - E4 Interview Part 2
British accent is quite hard to understand sometimes.

"Come back. Come back to me" this dialogs reminds me of The Cold Mountain, where the leading lady (Nicole Kidman) also calls her lover (Jude Law), again and again, through the mail, through voices at heart.

It's a pity that they never get together, but life is always full of regret. I won't be surprised. They (The writer Ian McEwan, the director Joe Wright, the role Brioney) created the imaginary happy scenes for us, providing me with some fantasies. I am already satisfied with it.

Actually, I am quite happy finding Cecilia died too at the same year 6 months after Robbie's death. It would be such a torture living without the love in regret. More terrible than hell i think. Thanks for the mercy of death, no feelings, no pains, no fears. Rest in peace or start a new life hereafter, how wonderful.

I love the movie almost for everything. Besides the amazing story and artists, the art design and the music is superb. Oh, the massive estate, the library, the living room, the girlish room of Briony, the fountain, the garden, the green green meadow, the stream, the summer hours in England countyside... everything the story's about, built up with.

The cruel, inhumane war worsens everything to the hopeless level. I keep thinking, at every turning point or scene changing, is there any way that can make it better, making things back to what it should have been? But, no. I cannot find it until the end of the movie.
Maybe there's no "better", or there is even "no choice" at all. We just thought we have it. We thought so.

2/3/2008 11:44:52 PM
1. ATONEMENT is much like the Kite Runners, another novel adapted movie. I've seen the novel and wait anticipatively for the movie. They're both about a sex crime and a lie that irrevocably changes the course of several people's lives. Does it imply that sex is what people care most and thus get hurt most easily?
(2/4/2008 1:22:55 AM Sins and Atonement, maybe because of the Christianity religion, it’s the topic that western authors much like to discuss.)
2. The first third of the movie, the "how it happened?" actually happened in one day, from the play rehearsal, morning by the fountain, the love letter, sex in the library, the dinner, the missing of the twins and the sent-away. How ironical that we have such a long mostly boring ordinary life, but only one single day, things happen in this one single day are enough to change the rest of their lives forever, irredeemably.


博客來外文館 Atonement: "Ian McEwan’s symphonic novel of love and war, childhood and class, guilt and forgiveness provides all the satisfaction of a brilliant narrative and the provocation we have come to expect from this master of English prose.

  On a hot summer day in 1935, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis witnesses a moment’s flirtation between her older sister, Cecilia, and Robbie Turner, the son of a servant and Cecilia’s childhood friend. But Briony’s incomplete grasp of adult motives-together with her precocious literary gifts-brings about a crime that will change all their lives. As it follows that crime’s repercussions through the chaos and carnage of World War II and into the close of the twentieth century, Atonement engages the reader on every conceivable level, with an ease and authority that mark it as a genuine masterpiece."

博客來外文館 Atonement: A Novel: "

  贖罪,在西方它其實是個宗教概念,原文atonement 源自 at 加上 onement ,也就是合而為一的意思。這部小說探討的是生命的兩大議題:一、想像力乎?現實乎?二、贖罪之可能。觸及的無疑是西方思考中有關唯心與唯物,以及西方原罪 與神性和人性的中介問題。在一切似乎都已商業化與世俗化的當今社會中,這部小說毋庸發揮了暮鼓晨鐘的功效,要我們思考一下西方最最基本的思想議題。何況小 說筆觸細膩,透過作者精心的勾勒,在讀者眼前呈現的,是第二次世界大戰前後英國與歐洲人心焦慮、苦悶的刻劃。──交通大學外文系教授 周英雄推薦"

OST/ Atonement(電影原聲帶 / 贖罪): "本片是達利歐繼「傲慢與偏見」後,第二度與導演喬懷特合作,達利歐表示:「在這部美麗的悲劇中,虛假與真實,戰爭,愛情,渴望與毀滅這些主題相互交織與影響,幾乎就像是主題音樂在古典交響樂之中所會產生的效應一樣,故事的本身就深具音樂的韻味,讓原創音樂只需要在絕對必要的情況下現身即可。」達利歐與「傲慢與偏見」中的默契搭檔-法國鋼琴師提鮑德(Jean-Yves Thibaudet)兩人再度在典雅、柔美的交響樂聲中細膩的捕捉這個美麗動人的愛情故事中的浪漫、傷感、哀悽、落寞與失落。"

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